9 days until freedom...sort of

Today I went with Alycia to the Villa Roma so she could fill out a job application. Heh. It took us about an hour to get to the lodge. Not cool man! But then again, damn people kept giving us bad instructions. Bastards! Yeah anyway, that took about 2.5 hours. Then we went back to my house where we played RUMMY! For quarters. Fuck yes.! I won a dollar! Score!!! Tehee. After a few games, she went home and I did ...something...I don't remember exactly. Oh well. Obviously not too important!
I talked to a certain boyy on the phone, for quite a while. ♥ He's very entertaining. I love him, very much. ♥ Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Gir is my hero♥
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