Renaissance Faire = love!

Today was the Junior class trip!!! We left at like 5:45AM or something like that. Yeah, three hour trip there, three hour trip back. For like the first hour I amused myself with listening to the Ramones && The Doors. =] Then I kept getting called "hippie" by Alan, so I turned around and started talking to him and Caleb who I happened to just meet. He's cute. I love his eyes. =] Well anyway, we talked about drugs with Molly and Brittany. Well anyway, yeah. We got there. Haha. I'm going to make this sound lame. I'm terrible at describing things. =[ I got yelled at my a member of the staff like 20 minutes in. Yeah. I'm good like that! Haha. She made me sit with some other school. Bitch! But I introduced myself to the guy I was sitting next to; Harold [what a dumb name...] && I was like "nobody here likes me" and he was like "I like you" =] Hehehe. & he was cute. && his group got up to leave and he was like "do you want to come with us?" and I said no. =/ I'm not sure if I regret that decision or not. Hahah. Oh well. It took me a while to find Amelia & Isabel & Di & Ari, but ooooh I did! We saw the Queen's Court [that was the first thing] && we saw the Royal Hypnotist, Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, Human Chess thing, and the Finale && I don't know what else. I don't remember =X && I don't want to move to go get the thing that says all the events. HOLY SHIT! There was this guy there that looked exactly like Orlando Bloom. So gorgeous! && then the guy who played Romeo was also totally gorgeous. =] It was a very fun day. Had to have been the best field trip I've been on, so far. AHHHH! The finale was in song and there was this one part where we could go dance with them on stage, and all around. && my friends were all like "no i don't want to go" && then Bubbles went up and I was all like "screw you guys" and I joined the dancing people. && then my friends slowly followed, all except Amelia. [party pooper!] Hahah. But yeah, that was totally amazing! Dancing made me hyper. So all the people I talked to on my bus...haha...I wouldn't like me if I was somebody else. Ohhhh, the ride home. =] Possibly one of the greatest bus rides of my life so far. Yeah, so I was originally sitting with Stacey...But then I moved in with Eric and then I sat with Caleb. =] Haha. This is just really funny. I can't even put it into words. But when I was sitting with Eric, Caleb was trying to sleep, but we wouldn't let Brittany, Molly, and I kept trying to remove his shirt. Hahaha. & they wrote on him...he's a very sweet, cute kid. Haha. Well, yeah, so I ended up sitting with him && we were getting married! But he skipped to the Honeymoon and then he sort of fell asleep in my lap. And it was the cutest thing. Like before that, he'd tickle me. & I'd tickle him back. It was so cute. HE BIT ME! But I bit him too. haha. & like he'd stare into my eyes for long periods. =] Ohhh, before I go any further, did I mention he has a fiancee? Yeah, Josh told me that. && it's some Chinese girl. Haha. Oh well. I most definitely do NOT feel guilty. We held hands, too. & then downside to this, is JT was on the same bus. I hope he didn't see anything. =/ I really like JT. =/ Well anyway, while I was sitting with Caleb, he took his pants off. Hahah. [He had shorts on, underneath!] && like sometime during the trip, his pants ended up like five rows back. && I think it was Jeff who held up his pants and was like "who lost their pants" or something like that. =] hahaha. So yeah, I took them from Jeff and gave them back to Caleb. It was really fun. But so so so SO many perverted jokes were involved. Hahaha. Josh bought a wooden sword & I put it in my mouth to see how much I could fit. It wasn't that much. =/ && he thinks I have a Gene Simmons tongue. Which is pretty much right. I have a very long tongue. && he thinks I'm normally perverted. I've never talked to him before and he knows me as Bubbles's friend. So yeah, but Caleb. Haha. He possibly has the most addicting eyes in the world. In fact I couldn't keep my eyes off of his eyes. Actually, I couldn't keep my hands off him either. =P Hmmm so yeah, all in all, the Renaissance Faire was completely amazing && I already wish to go again. && definitely bring a camera next time. && I talked to some people from my school that I've never talked to. & all I said to JT was "hi" . how lame of me! But yeah, the ride there, he sit diagonally from me, so I pretty much looked at him the whole time. Go me for sort of making it obvious! =] love love love love! ♥
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