and this is a computer with a bad virus

I've had a most awesome last few days. Starting with GETTiNG MY VOiCE BACK!!!! It's fucking wonderful! (: Anyways, on Friday, I went to work and then as soon as I got off, I went to Brianne's house!! I smelled like a kitchen though, oh well. And Lindy was there!!! (: So we both slept over at Brianne's house. And they're really really perverted. Gosh. They talk about sex more than anybody I know. =/ Weird fuckers. Oh well, they're my best friends! And I love them dearly. We woke up at like 11-ish? Maybe and ate oatmeal!!! YUMMM! (: Then we just like sat around, making Isabel cards and shit. We then went to Isabel's for her party. We got there at like 1.45...about 45 minutes late. Haha. Oh well. And I got to see a bajillion people that I haven't seen in a while. And I saw a bajillion people I didn't know, but that's okay, I was perfectly content with who I was with. (: Ryan was there. He makes me happy. (: And then blah blah blah blah blah....blah blah..... Ari's mum came and picked Ari, Brianne, Lindy, and I up at 6-ish...and we went back to Ari's house for a few minutes. Then we went out to Honesdale to see that concert thingy that was going on. So I got to spend more time with Ryan!!!! (: Which I really needed because I was going psycho without seeing/being with him. Mmmmmm....I like him sooooooooooo much. Well...ummm...blah blah blah.... ya know. Then we went back to Ari's house at like 10.30-ish. And hung out there for a bit, watching Saturday Night Live. And then Liz, Ruby's mum came and picked Lindy, Brianne, and I up to take us home. And yeah, I got back at like midnight. Meanwhile my mum was really worried cos I supposedly didn't tell her where I was going. (Which I did, but whatever!) But come on, in a few months' time, I'll be 17...she shouldn't worry so much about me. And today I cleaned my room, what fun. It's still a disaster.!! I think I'm going to sleep in the guest room tonight, or something, there's too much stuff on my bed. Oh, I'm also very upset that Sweden lost against Germany. =( But whatever. England won against Ecuador. So, that's good. But it was my SWEDES. I love those guys to death!!! =( (Not really........) I only love 5 guys to death, and 3 of those, I'm related to. And one of them is just some snowboarder who is totally awesome. And the other, is some very very special guy that I have totally fallen for. He's so good-looking. And so nice. And sweet. And wonderful. And the best boyfriend I've ever had. :) Ahhhh, cheers.
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