just shoot me. please...?

Yeah...me not talking to Willy last for ooooh, less than 24 hours! I can't stay mad at people...It just isn't possible!! Ryan, I suggest you don't read this. Please. If you do though, DON'T get mad at me....please!! (It's highly possible that you'll get mad...or something...)
Me: tell me what the fuck is on your fucking mind Willy: no cuz u dont care okay Me: ooooh, i do care Willy: if you cared you would try to work around my feelings and be my friend Me: you were like this guy that i had the biggest friendship with. i barely even fucking know you in person yet on here i can talk to you sooo fucking easily about like everything. and i've tried to work around your feelings. a few times already.... Me: i've tried. i didn't succeed those times, this time i shall....by finally and truly not fucking talking to you Willy: good forget i ever loved you forget i ever helped you forget i ever cared forget everything forget the fact that u did wanna kiss me at the show when ryan was there forget that u do still care about what happens to me forget my name forget my band forget everything we ever had forget that i was ur first love forget that it's all my fault Me: do you want me to? Willy: it doesn't matter what i want it's what you want Willy: can't you tell we had a lot Me: we did have a lot Willy: and ur willing to throw it all away Willy: over this Willy: well are you? Me: am i what? Willy: are you willing to throw away everything and not be friends now? Me: =/ Willy: well Willy: the ball is in ur court. Willy: i dont wanna end our friendship Willy: if it's over it's all on ur doings Me: ...my doings...? Willy: ur actions Willy: ur choice Me: ooooh, i think i might get what you mean Willy: well what's it going to bge Willy: is it just gna b talk to you later or goodbye? Me: talk to you later Willy: see you can't find it within you to actually end it Willy: cuz i still care Me: =/ Me: and? Willy: cuz u still care* Me: what do i care about, then? Willy: everything we had u can't make it without talking to me Willy: i make u laugh easily i make ur couldy days shiny
And then I had to go for like 2 minutes....and when I came back we started joking around about him going swimming in the river and me going canoeing...and that I had to watch out, so I don't hit him. Or something.
I'm a failure at ending friendships.
Anyways, today, I went to Callicoon...viewed the damage...took pictures of the damage. (Laughed at the damage...) SHIT. I think my soccer field MAY have gone under water!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Oh dammit! I couldn't get to that part cos that part of Callicoon was underwater. FUCK. I need sleep. I've done like...3 entries today..? What the hell. Oh yes, I have about 6 days until DMB at Montage Mt. with Ryan. and it, shall be smashing!!!! (:
Read 1 comments
haha toldya ;) what a guilt trip! cant they understand that just cos u care doesnt mean ur in love wi them ARGH boys eh!Scotland isnt THAT amazing, i moved here from South Africa 4 years ago. Where do u live?