lalalalala. . .

Listening to: Linkin Park- runaway
Feeling: nostalgic
Today was a pretty good day, not too much drama. . things are still a little wierd, but everything is starting to be cool again. I feel like im losing some people, and that kinda upsets me, but i think that it is inevitable, and possibly for the best. I may not want this to happen, but in all honesty. . this isnt on me. Not this time anyway. I dont know. . i hope it gets better. I dont want to lose them. I am wayy to co-dependent on my friends. . especially two of them. I dont think i could live without these two girls. . they are my best friends, they are my family. and i love them more than anything. They are my life. I love you guys. . you know who you are. I know things have been wierd lately, but ill be okay. . i promise. I just need you to be there for me. I love you.
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well i dint even read the letter or story whatever it twas i dont care i got bored readin the first sentence
by by
i luv ur site. the whole ur hair...its everywhere thing is kinda weird lol but the way it looks is cool! well buh bi ttyl
i luv ur site. the whole ur hair...its everywhere thing is kinda weird lol but the way it looks is cool! well buh bi ttyl