Oh simple thing, where have you gone?

Feeling: eh
I walked across an empty land. I knew the pathway like the back of my hand. I felt the earth beneath my feet. Sat by the river and it made me complete. Oh simple thing where have you gone? I'm getting old and I need something to rely on. So tell me when you're gonna let me in. I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin. heh. Its so strange how we tend to get entirely wrapped up in the now. I have been so occupied with the current events of my life, (though they are not so important) that i completely missed November 16. It has only been 2 years. You'd think i would still remember. Quite frankly, I don't even know if that date is correct. I am disapointed in myself for forgetting. But maybe forgetting is good in a way. Letting go is always a good thing, right? I just miss him. Happy Holidays, all. Dean Thomas Laurent. 11-02. And that's all i have to say about that.
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what is november 16?! Everyone forgets things.. exp. in the freaking lives we have to lead nowadays! :) Merry Christmas!
Who is the Dean Thomas Laurent you speak of? Please email czu_czme@yahoo.com