a new beginning

Listening to: i have nooo idea
Feeling: eh
haha yeah i had a pretty good day yesterday. I went to the last parades of mardi gras with a bunch of my friends. Its was fun, but now no one knows what to do with their time bc there are no more parades to go to. haha. Well, today is the first day of lent. I dont really know what im going to give up yet. Today, i have not yet drank, smoked, cursed, or done anyhing bad, not by choice, just bc i have only been awake for like 2 hours and have not had ample oppurtunity to do so. But frankly i dont want to give up any of these things. I KNOW that i cant give up drinkning bc that has become my friends and my favorite pasttime. Its sad, but true. Smoking...eh...ill say that ill give it up,but i know that the next time someone is near me with a ciggarette, im gonna want one. I know i have like zero will power when it comes to that, or anything for that matter. Cursing...hahah i couldnt give that up if i wanted to. It has become the biggest part of my vocabulary. haha Maybe ill just go on a diet or something. . i dunno. ah whatever...
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ever seen 40 days and 40 nights?

hey they're your vices and you can do with them what you want.
Hey u have such a qt diary!!!