i think ive got it. . maybe. .

Feeling: cold
It is fucking freezing in my house. My mom is watching the birdcage...paying no attention to the fact that i think my ears just chipped off. oh well.... I was cleaning out my closet earlier (literally throwing away all the crap that i never wear) and i started thinking about what i said in my previous entry. I realized that while i am very insecure about who my real friends are, and i am completely oblivious as to who they are, i shouldnt worry so much about it. I know how i am to my friends... and that is how i want them to be with me. I think that i am a good friend...i am faithful and honest, i mean, sure, i fuck up every now and then, but nothing unfixable. Everyone fucks up. Its human nature. I know that everyone has different ideas about friendship, and i try to avoid people that dont share the same ideas as me, but you cant avoid everyone. I also realized that i shouldnt dwell on life after me. Its not about who will miss me when im gone. Its about who cares enough to be with me while im still here. My friends are my life...id do anything for them... and i know that if they are in fact, true friends, they would do the same for me. I have to concentrate more on my life and the people in it, not the future..after all, i am only 16, there's alot more to come...i hope.
Read 4 comments
That's how I get a lot. Congrats on being able to think so positive. I know I can't do that. Dazed and Confused as in the Zep song? They rock.
Hey, I'm not really going to comment on much of anything on your page, cept to say I think it looks great, and I'd really appreciate if you could help me out with how to make that thing pop up at the beginning, how to make that text thing follow your mouse and how to make an image as your background like that. I'm pretty new to HTML and having one hell of a hard time learning it lol. Thx bunches in advance :)
just a thought, being a loner is a hell of a lot less complicated.
I TOLD YOU!! THATS WHAT I SAID!! jeezum meredith when you gunna start listening to me? lol- i luv youuuu! blah- lol luke hates me...you can have him if you want. *cries woefully*...omg i was bout to type yeh rite but friday i did cry over him- im losin my touch map...GYAH! i gotta go kill myself for crying over a guy!

Love you OoDLeS!
Im a LoseR!
*wanna play with my shiny object?* :D *pets her shiny object*