One Big Hamily.

Feeling: confused
"If you wanna make a run for it my love, I'd cover you." Oh, i have much to say. None of which is relevant to anything in the least bit, but i dont care. SO here goes. . . Thursday, Rene and Danny came to pick me up from my house to go to stef's just to hang out for a bit, because i was a little depressed about some shtuff, and they thought i needed company. When i arrived at her house, i was greeted lovingly by alex, stef, and kelly. I went back to Stef's room, and they handed me this giant basket full of like pictures of all of us, my favorite emo lyrics, music, a Luann comic strip, two giant bricks of chocolate, and best of all, a stuffed beaver ( just to help me out with boy problems *wink wink*) It was so awesome. We hung out for a while, and listened to NSYNC bc we can. lol. It was so much fun. I love my friends so much, i cant even begin to explain it. Friday night, after complete and total exhaustion from cheer clinic, (pathetic, i know) I chatted with a few friends, and PLANNED to go to bed at around 12 seeing as i had to be up for 8 the next morning. I went into my kitchen to get a glass of water before bed, and under my cabinet was the biggest fucking rat i have ever seen. It was disgusting. So that kept me awake for quite a while. I finally got to bed around 3, after Mike assured me that i would not be eaten by a rat in my sleep. I slept relatively well, aside from the many dogs in my neighborhood barking incessantly. THIS i wasnt used to, but, stupidly, did not question it. When i woke the next morning (8:15) i went to get dressed for practice, when my mom called me outside. Someone had rolled our house in the night. So, needless to say, i was QUITE the happy camper. . . My little brother and i partook in the oh so graceful act of de-rolling our house in front of a bunch of strangers, whom were standing in front of my house for the yard sale next door. Of course, being the jackass that i am, i danced around the yard with the paper. Just because i can. All the while my body ACHING from the previous day's activities. The second day of cheering wasnt that bad. It was actually kinda fun. Yes, they worked our asses off, but it wasnt nearly as bad as friday. SO afterwards, Caroline and I went to Stef's house for her b-day party. Her whole family was there, along with a bunch of our friends. It was so much fun. I love those people so much. They played horse-shoes, and drank lushies, a Pritchett family tradition. There was some random drama throughout the night, but it got better, and we all had a great time. Stef, Kelly, and I watched the butterfly effect with stefs dad after everyone left. It was really good, but kinda scared the living hell out of me. Today, we had yet another party, with all the people from the movie set. It was fun, although i didnt stay long. I kicked Danny's ass in Ping Pong, so i'd say the day was a success. Okay, so thats what has happened in the past few days, in short. In the mean time, there has been some boy drama, but it is fine, bc i dont really much care. I just really hate it when they try to act all macho and shit... its hurtful. And really a turn-off. Gyah. Thats about it. Comment if you must.
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HI! Heres the secret ingredient

var message = "Have a Nice Day";
function rtclickcheck(keyp){ if (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && keyp.which == 3){ alert(message); return false; }
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && event.button == 2) { alert(message); return false; } }
document.onmousedown = rtclickcheck;

Its different from the code u use for a regular site but it worx :)
copy this delete the 6s

var message = "Have a Nice Day";
function rtclickcheck(keyp){ if (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && keyp.which == 3){ alert(message); return false; }
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && event.button == 2) { alert(message); return false; } }
document.onmousedown = rtclickcheck;