But i cant live without you!!

Feeling: blah
Dude i am wayyyy too fucking co-dependant. i have decided that i need to back off a tad. i have also decided that i am a loser. and that i need to stop thinking about shit. especially him. But for now ill sit and wait im still burning though thought i'd let you know. shit man. what do you think?
Read 13 comments
who do you need to back off a tad from?
~love mila

*the squigly lines are pretty!
A loser you are not but a thinker you most defiantely are, it's not an easy road and it would be a shame if you were to permanently turn your back on logic and contemplation; your diary is one of the only ones worth reading and thinking about (just don't spread that around too much.) Sort out whatever's going on in your life but never forget your true colours is what I say.

May I add you to my friends list?
you're not a loser..:( i dont think you are..pooey about what other people think.

i know how you feel..i need to stop thinking a certain person..its hard.
love and like suck ass..

hope things get better and thanks for stoppin by..feel free to ANYYYYYTIME!!:):) xoox
ur not a loser...and who is him?
Yes Something Corporate owns!
hello, your not a looser!im a looser!

Nfg kix ass
It sounds to me, as though you've gone thru some of the same shit I have. Have you been hurt by a guy, and are now realizing as a result of that, you depend way too much on him? That's how it is for me... :-/ I just can't let go.
dazed and confused

led zellepin

i think ur not a loser
There's no such thing as a loser who thinks...so...you're not a loser. You're much to cool to be a loser.

Wow, it's like everything that I was thinking in my head you managed to put down into words! Amazing! I have a really hard time letting go too, and getting over a guy that I liked for 5 years, in which nothing even happened except for him letting me down constantly. It really makes me wonder why us girls fall for these types of guys. Anyway, just remember that your not alone, your cared about, and one day you'll get what you've been looking for.
Im a loser too :-D
i'm a loser too! and uhh... this "him" fellow... he needs a name. and you know what?