I miss the way you sing low.

Listening to: Copeland - California
Feeling: loopy
I am going up to Texas A&M campus in May. I think. It shall be a lovely adventure with my mom. I almost can't wait. As much as i am looking forward to it, i am also somewhat wary to take the next step. Yes, i still have one more year of high school, but its only ONE year. It just seems like such a giant leap towards growing up. I have been growing up my whole life, but now it just seems so different. Someone asked me the other day what i wanted to be when i graduate, and my mind went blank. It was as if they had just asked me to recite the fifty states in order of population backwards. Or. . something strange like that, that no one knows the answer to. . . heh. I think that leaving home is my main goal as of right now. Not that i dont love living here, and i absolutely adore my family, i just know that if i don't leave as soon as possible, i never will. I want adventure. I want to feel liberated. I want to have to learn how to take care of myself. I know that this is the only way i will ever make it. I also want to stop babbling. But i can't, really. But i should. SO im gonna. And that's all i have to say about that.
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Hey, Im a user on SITdiary and I was wondering if u knew how to retrieve lost passwords
Leave a comment on my diary {Sarahbeth} and Ill check it
i know how you feel.
If you like adventure and new things you will really get a kick out of college, I give it two thumbs up.