Everyone makes mistakes, dont they?

Feeling: unstoppable
I have fucked up alot. Nice way to start off a journal huh? I have made alot of mistales so far in my life that i want so badly to take back. I have done alot of stupid stuff, and hurt alot of people, including myself. While i regret some of the things i have done, there are a few things that i am glad that i did. They made me stronger, and have helped me in some odd way. (nothing in particular) I dont think i know why i do the shit i do, i dont think anyone knows WHY they do stupid shit. The point is, they do. And for me, after fucking up. . remorse inevitably follows. This is a normal thing..bc most people arent proud of the fact that they fucked up...unless theyre really weird... I wish i could take it back. I wish i could take back all the fucked up stuff i've done, especially when it hurts others, mostly my friends. Relationships shatter, and they cant be mended. No matter what anyone says. It's just gone. I wish i could take it all back, i wish i could start again. But its too late now... Everyone makes mistakes... dont they?
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its very true that ppl make mistakes. i mean i have to say for myself that i have done a lot of stuff that i regret. but actually some of the stuff i have done im glad that i did them. and what i have learned from making mistakes is that making mistakes is a good thing.
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Fucking up is a part of life. Trust me, I've more than learned this. You don't have to be proud of it, but you don't have to let it eat you up inside either. You're going to fuck up again. We all will. It's simply inevitable because we're human. Humans fuck up-- ROYALLY. You just have to move on with your life.