Kiss me on the mouth.

Feeling: torn
It is 1 of clock. I could not be more exhausted, but I felt the need for a quick but loaded update. I took ACTs today. Last time I took them, I got a 25. Yes, that sounds awful, but it is actually very good. Two more points, and I can get a full scholarship. Today at ACTs, I ran into an old childhood friend whose mother died two weeks ago. The combination of unfamiliarity and a recent death made the conversation short-lived and rather awkward, but it was lovely to have seen her again. I didn't get Girls' State. Somewhat upset about that, but like they always say, "When a door closes, a window opens," or something to that effect. My window of opportunity comes in the form of an internship in Journalism this summer for The Times Picayune, the biggest newspaper in New Orleans. My Lit teacher correctly assumed that I would be interested, so she is gathering all of the information for me this weekend. I am very excited. It would be an amazing experience, and perhaps guide me that much closer to exactly what it is I want to study. Prom is in 3 weeks. Lack of plans, a dress, or a real date are normally the hindrances on everyone's minds, but I am not nearly as worried as I should be. I'm winging it. I know I'll have fun either way. No talk of love life, relationships, dating, nor romance in general tonight. My feeble mind is far too strained this evening, and I must catch some sleep. Big day tomorrow. Hasta Luego, Map.
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Oh Mappie my dear,

I'm not sure how it works down there, but for us prom is a once in a high-school career deal. If this be the case, don't worry about a date(remember, you'll always have me.)Just enjoy yourself hun. Girls say it's about the dress, but its not; it's how you spent it.
As for love, if worse came to worse, I'd normally say join a convent but I already forbade you to do that, so start collecting cats- just in case...
