
Feeling: reminiscent
So yeah, i once again, stole chris's stuff by making the entries a song title or whatever, but hey, its a cool idea. So shut up. haha Anywho...the real entry... Isnt it strange how something has to happen, for you to realize how you really feel about somone? But whats even stranger, is how something has to happen for you to realize how you feel about yourself. It came to my attention yesterday, that i am way too afraid of rejection. I am terrified to open up to people, bc i am afraid that it wont be returned. Well, yesterday i opened up to two people. Two people whom i didnt think i would be able to really talk to... People surprise you. Its strange. You never really think of them as haveing the same kinds of feelings as you do, but conversation is an amazing thing. I realized that you may not be able to trust everyone, but there are the select few that will surprise you. I guarantee it. and these people probably dont realize that im talking about them. . .so here. . Kristie and Chris. Thank you guys. I dont know what it was that helped me so much, but it just kinda clicked, and i had the best night of sleep in my life last night. Thank you.
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funny thing is is i got a shit load of sleep last night too. it was frekin incredible. 11 hours... never sleep tghat long.
yah dude...if you ever need someone to talk to..fukin call me!
0.o kriZZle