I ♥ emo boys.

Listening to: Candyman- Aqua
Feeling: leftout
Well! I sounded liked a crazed feminist in my last entry! If you haven't read it yet, read it and it may even provide some comic relief... Actually, I'm thinking of deleating it because I sound so fuggin pathetic in it. Yeah, it was really directed at one person in particular so once the message gets across, I'm just going to deleat it because it does get pretty personal. Well, I've done absolutly nothing all day. I woke up at 1:00, cleaned the kitchen floor, ate something nasty, and have been tinkering around with HTML and talking to people and such ever since. I have absolutly no life this weekend, though I'm going to go watch Queen Of The Damned pretty soon. I finally rented it! *cheers* Stuart Townsend!! Yeah, the band jam last night was too cool. Julie and Mercedes saved my sanity cause Brenda went off with Daley and Jessy. Jessy was pretty upset so I was trying to stick clear. Sometimes I get awkward around them. Yeah, Mercedes spotted this cute little boy and she's like "He's adorable and so emo!" And I was pretty much infatuated. She kept telling me I had to go give him a hug. Heh heh. No. Then it turns out Brenda and Daley knew who he was... Even more embarassing! But still, eye candy. Yum. Yeah, the music wasn't bad either. If I was allowed to go to local shows I would but, parents permit. I'm really in the mood to go to Rocky or atleast have Fluff or Roo over to watch it. Hmph. I'm going through Tim Curry withdrawal. *tears* I never saw myself getting obsessed. Hmmm, I've got Candyman going through my head. I'm not actually listening to it as I can't find it in my music folder, but I think I'm going to go upstairs and relieve the cold old days of bubblegum techno. Man, have I missed those. ^^; To all my loves, call if you'd like because I'm dying of boredom!! Ciao mia bellas!
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AHHHH!!!..... Your background Scares The Shit Out Of Me. I Have This Weird Phobia of Lime Green....

I'm gonna Have To Close My Eyes When i Send This...here i Go....
Aqua rules.

One day I got bored and downloaded like every single one of their songs.

Oh well.


hahahaha Aqua... they suck... the annoy my pants off

party on!