Don't dream it... Be it!

Listening to: RHPS Soundtrack
Feeling: stupid
Oh man, Rocky Horror was last night... I don't think Lolita came out though which kinda sucks. I've been missing her. So it was pretty much just Dani dressed as a little hooch all in lime green, not Lolita. That's not to say it wasn't very fun/interesting. My Fluffy came over like a million hours before hand cause her and Roo had to go homecoming shopping that afternoon (I went so I could go buy neon eyeshadow so I don't kill my eyes with highlighters... Yaay) She got a teddy. Roo got a tweed dress (Hmm, just had to ask Fluff what that material was called) Then Sunshine came over later and we dolled him up- Seriously, black and silver sparkly short skirt, mesh jacket, fishnet stockings, glittery lipstick, black eyeliner, and glitter on his eyes... And black nail polish. He was hot. Seriously. It was strange seeing him get out of the car in my skirt though and do his "manly stance" For those who are curious (though I'm sure you're not) I had a black corsette, neon green fishnets, really short jean skirt, green chucks, pink lipstick, neon green eyeshadow, black liner and my hair straightened. Yeah, I felt proud. We made Fluff pink. Pink eyeshadow, shirt, shoes, hat. Damn, we even dyed her hair pink. We are t3h sex. Sunshine took us there. We got lost and some Asian dude had to show us where the lecture halls were. Dayam, so many awesome people were there that I didn't even get to spend time with. Al and Muggy, Emma Cody, Kim, Cara, Paco, Bobby, Daley (heh.)... Even Roo showed up! Yeah, Katie AKA the girl I'd "made friends with" earlier that day who's the cashier at Hot Topic played Dr. Frakenfurter. She's awesome! They're all awesome. Scott's like "Are you underaged cause you seriously look like 19" I'm like "Yeah, I'm 17... Is that a bad thing" he's like "Only cause you're not 2 years older" Man, I love the people there! They're all so nice and you don't feel awkward being a little whore. Tee hee. *hearts* So yeah, the show itself was ehh compared to some of the earlier ones. My favorite is still either the one on Halloween night where me and Al went trick or treating and got Chinese beforehand... Or the one before Christmas with the crazy lush. But still! The show itself was fun at usual but the pre-show wasn't as great. There was a "Rocky dance party" Fluffy danced. It was cute. Then some guy rapped for 5 minutes straight. That just killed the damn spirit! I felt cool knowing a lot of the audience particapation though. Audience particapation rox my sox! No one gave me elbow sex though. Dangit, I want my durn elbow sex! ;; *tears* Then afterwards there was Denny's and Denny's is always an interesting time. Paco sat with us and stole some people who'd left's toast. FREE TOAST! Hell yeah! Fluff thinks he's her soul mate. I just think he's a pretty little man. "Allish" wasn't all there... I was slightly dissapointed. But atleast I got to spend some time with Al and have civil conversation. It's a start. Yeah, so that was my hot and spiffay night. So there you go, for those of you who were not there and begged me to take pictures (I left the durn camera in Sunshine's car... But I have pics of us before hand that have to get developed!) There's the very detailed versian of the happenings. Kat, I wish you could have been there hun!!! Hope you're having fun in Michigan/Minesota (I can't remember which it was!) Muahs to all! --Dani
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im oh so jelous :(. me and ariana want to take a road trip and see rocky with you mannn!!