Screw your classifications.

Feeling: withdrawn
...And when I'm gone, she runs around making sure everything will be perfect for when I get back. Each message to my away message, to the message on my journal, to the comment on my myspace, and finally texting my phone just to make sure I'm ok. We've got strange ways as humans as showing we care for one another. It wasn't written in or even something natural that caused technology to advance. I mean, it's natural to learn and create, but even 30 years back, you couldn't just meet someone through the internet. So unlike the natural responses that we have to hug tight, to kiss tears away, to coax in a soft steady voice, humans have grown creative with how they show they care, that the mind is occupied. So when I don't have my phone on, sometimes there's a voice mail and though it's through telephone wires or "wireless" cellphone calls (but that doesn't work for this metaphor, does it?) the intent is still the same and the voice couldn't be sweeter. 3,000 miles doesn't conceal any of the emotion in the sweetest voice I've ever heard. She said we should take pictures of our hands... Life sized and put them next to one another to see the way they'll fit. I think it's the prettiest idea I've ever heard. Natural? It depends on how you look at it. It's human nature to care, to love, to spend your life looking for a "soulmate". ...And thus, despite the hard times and the physical difficulty many couples are fortunate to never go through, I feel blessed. I'm more inlove then I have words to describe, more captivated and taken with this person then anyone I've physically been with. And why? Because this is someone who makes promises they attempt to keep, someone who has just the right pitch when they sing me to sleep... And just incase a conflict arrises, they say "I love you" while there's still time. I'm this beautiful wonderful person to someone. I'm the person someone is thinking about before they go to sleep at night. I'm someone's everything, and I'm trying so damn hard to live up to that and be the best "everything" I can be. Read this and sneer or roll your eyes. Read this and say it'll turn out like every other situation out there... And I'll be happy to know (as will my dear) that it won't be like that. It could never be like that. There's more love, compassion, understanding, and dependence in our relationship then most couples have in a lifetime... And sometime the irrational and historically unnatural ways of showing we care, aren't going to exhist in the same sense anymore. Sure, they'll still be the occasional voice mail when I get home late from a class but... When you're someone's "everything", there's responsibilites to be had... And mine is to get there, no matter what the cost. Tears will be dried with the back of a hand and a kiss on the cheek, because love knows no boundaries, love knows no distance, love knows no gender, and love doesn't discriminate over 3,000 miles. Some young determined artist has got me painted beautiful with every color of the rainbow. Hell will freeze over before anyone can upstage that. I love you, and someday I'll be there to put a seal on every promise. Yours, Dani
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