If it makes you less sad...

Feeling: abused
My V-day is going to be spent alone with a box of chocolates, a cup of tea, and some Bright Eyes. Really. Who thought up such a stupid holiday anyway? The sick and tired feeling has subsided because I've actually gotten a healthy ammount of sleep and have my medicine in my system so I'm not having ADD attacks all over everyone. Hopefully I'll feel a lot better now but who knows. Right now I just feel like I'm not worth anything to anyone. Aww, how sad. Story of my life though. On the plus side though, how much worse could things actually get? Not much. I can't really think of any way anyone could get more upset with me so that's always good. I had a banana muffin. It was yummy. I don't feel so nauscious anymore. Rachel is not such good comfort when one is nauscious though. =( Yeah. So that's been my day. Anyone want to do something soon or later today? Getting out of the house and pretending it's not the fourteenth would be absolutly spectacular.
Read 3 comments
I'd get out of the house with you =)
If only I could < 3

ohh i like your background. how did you get it?
my diary is xxluluxx btw. lol. i am an idiot