It's not a fashion statement... It's a fucking death wish!

Wow, I feel fugly and dirty this morning. I want to take a shower, but Matt's in the shower and I'm not sure what time Kat is getting up. *sighs* I've also got to work on my painting at some point. BITCH. Mr. Gas Mask is waiting for me to paint black birds in the sky and burning trees in his eyes. Wow, that sounds like it could be a song. I really wish I could write songs and poetry. Then I'd be uber rad and wouldn't have to rely on my non existant beauty. Hah. I'm sick again. What a bummer. I'm coughing and using up an extensive ammount of napkins blowing my nose because I don't know where the tissues are. You know what? I'm SICK of being SICK! Gah! Yeah, I want to go to the show tonight since So I'm Square will be there. I guess I should bring two scarves so I can have one for me and one for Kat. If I go, Brittney said she'll teach me how to do rad eye makeup. Tee hee. Depends on if I'm hacking up my lungs by then I suppose. Hmmm... Well, I'm lonely so I think I'm going to go be lonely upstairs. P.S: Sarah sent me Fall Out Boy and it didn't work so now along with everything else I'm planning to buy, I have to buy the CD. Damnit. Why are new CDs so expensive??
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