A thief. A whore. And a lier.

Oh man, what a fun day... Brandon walked me to most of my classes and he liked his get well card and people kept telling me how sorry and upset he was about homecoming. I'm just happy because I made him laugh and smile. Why is it with him that all of a sudden means so much to me? I visited him, Sunshine, and Emma in seventh period art too. It's kind of cool that we're actually getting to be close friends now. I'm really glad. I drew Fluffy and Zach as furries in study hall. Wow, I am now her god for this. Brendan decided he had to film it in the next picture so it was an orgie and Brendan was a duck billed platypus. It was hot stuff. Rachel said she'd never have a good sexual thought again and Mr. Whoriskey looked at her funny. The day just kept getting better. In English for extra credit we can act out scenes from Macbeth. I looked over at Bill and he was grinning at me. I replied to his e-mail later on my school account asking if he wanted to do a scene together. I guess it's kinda cool that after all this time we might get to be friends again. I never like having awkwardness with people and just being on an exes good side is good to know. Everyone kept saying how pretty I looked today. Wow, I'm a little confused. Aw well. Good to know I made people happy? It's gotta be the pearls I tell ya. I go classy one damn day and people comment. Strange. It definatly does something for my confidence to hear I look pretty though. ^_^ Um yeah... So that's about it though I guess... Besides the fact that Joe farted in math and DeBrock didn't grace us with his presense in social studies. Sorry if I sound like a crack head in this entry. Au revoir!
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I heart your Diary.
ohh sailormoon. neat stuff. i heart your diaryness.