Like a good book, I can't put this day back.

Feeling: sinful
Meh! I really don't feel goodly today. I woke up at Roo's at like 5:00 and felt like I was gonna puke and she wouldn't get me advil. Then at 9:00, Fluffy woke up and I watched her RP/play neopets until Roo woke up, then we went to my house and made a big breakfast... Shouldn't have eaten so much. ^^; Well, last night we went to see Dodgeball with Anthony, Aaron, and some of Aaron's friends. Aw yes, and Fluffy, Roo, and Sunshine too! I love my friends to death. *hearts* I'm going to miss them when I leave for two durn weeks on Saturday. However, I'm also beyond excited about getting to see my Chicken/Sarah again! Now if only I didn't feel like crap right now. Argh. I have advil in my system so it's not as bad as it was before though. Well, I'm going go get dressed and do the dishes cause after that, my mom's taking me and Kate out to see HP III... Second time for me! W00T! ^_^
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cant wait! im so excited!!! like 2 weeks with my danille bethhhh<333