I'd give you my hand if you'd reach out and grab it.

Listening to: Yellowcard CD
Feeling: melancholy
Yum. Last night was beyond awesome. It's so great to have someone who can put this eternal smile on your face and be able to call them yours. I'm très lucky. =^.^= This is the first time in such a long time. I only wish others would be a bit more understanding at how long it's been for me. For the first time in so long I can't even remember, I feel like I can finally be myself around someone and not worry about being judged. So right now I'm in the art room as usual. I'm really going to miss this over the summer, my Snapple and Snickers icecream bar. It's actually pretty cool in here right now compared to my house. Wow, free periods kick so much ass. If I wanted to leave right now, I could. But Mr. Perkins trusts me and I don't want to break that. Besides, I like it here. Let's see, and one last comment since I don't want to write too much right now... An individual had the nerve to ask me if I wanted to go out with/date her 20-year-old friend. Honestly, what the hell is wronge with people?? I don't know. Sometimes I really really want things to go back to the way they used to be before the summer we all changed started... Well, on that note, ciao mia bellas! always, Dani
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