Chicks on amphedemines...

Feeling: accomplished
Wow, I sound like such a whiny bitch in my last entry... But to those who complained, doesn't mean I don't want to be your friend... It just means you hurt me like hell and I'm not backing down on the fact that you did and this is now how I feel. Yeah, just getting that out of the way first. And to a specific person: It better be a damn good shoulder rub! =) Okie... Now back to focussing. Hmmm, there's lots going on but I have to think how to say it. Rocky Horror is this weekend. I'm so fricken excited! It's so hillarious to see people get all bent out of shape about it too *cough* Apparently it's not Christian enough for some of yous. Wow, I have nothing to say when individuals start complaining. I just sit there thinking how much of a blast I always have there just letting loose and goofing off with my friends. Yeah, I really hope Alek can go because that would just be the most awesome thing ever just about. Damn, I want to snog someone. I'm going through withdrawal. But yeah... That's not why I want to go though but que sera sera! Fluffy is probably bringing Zach. They're so sweet it gives me cavities. Heh. Atleast she's happy though. Sunday her, Zach, and Dave might come over to have some movie marathon which is still undecided. This should be interesting. I've officially chickened out on asking a specific person to homecoming, but I know lots of other people who are going alone now; Mercedes, Erinn, Julie, Cella... Atleast I won't be alone! If Cella goes I definatly won't have to worry about being bored though it would still be great to see her all proud of me if I actually worked up my nerve and asked. Aw well. I'll go and take lots of pictures of Fluffy, Zach, Sunshine, and Roo and be all spiffified in my dress. I'm going just so I can wear that dress and feel like a pretty pretty princess! I dropped psych so no more problems there. Yeah, I only explained to one person the whole reasoning behind it, though I probably would have dropped it anyway just because my schedule is packed and it was so freaking boring! So yeah, I have Pericone for study hall and I got to write a character intro and listen to music for a whole 40 minutes so I feel all relaxed then sit for another 40 minutes looking out the window in lunch because me and Krista can never think of anything to say. She's so nice though. I could never say anything bad about her. Maybe it's because she's shy but hey, it's impossable to hate her. Let's see... Anything else cool about today? Hmmm... Me and Brandon decided Hello Kitty has turned indecent. That kid rawks my sox so much! And Mr. Lurenz is the coolest teacher! Oh man Fluff, that Viagra hat was rockin. Wow, Macbeth has suddenly become a blast. I'm so happy. I have like an 100 average in all my classes right now besides like math... And I think I passed my test today so woohoo! Ok yeah, I'm distracted now so I'm going to go talk to Sarah. Well, I hope this was happy enough for you my darling fiance' *giggles* RHPS in 3 days, bizotches!! Hit me up if you wanna go!
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I can't wait until Rockeh tomorrow!!! -tacklehugs- I shall be your snogging pal if the Quill goes, I promise...^__^. Oh man, I'M SO PROUD OF YOU FOR ASKING CRAPPEH!!!!! -cuddles-