Hey now, there's chemicals in the clouds.

Feeling: misplaced
I'm such a rotten person sometimes... I really am. I can't even get into why but yeah, it was just a really uncomfortable and awkward situation. Maybe I care about my social status more then I'd like to admit. Apparently even I have my limits. I feel like such a hypocrite for this though and it kind of ruined my day. Let's just say I hate psych class even more now and we'll leave it at that. I'm really considering just dropping the course. It's sixth period so if I'm lucky, maybe I'll have study hall with someone cool. Yeah, I can no longer complain about the judgemental superficial jerks in our school anymore though. Heh. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself though. My audition for the play is tonight. I'm really nervous but also kind of excited. Pictures were today too. I got to see mine and it's about the most horrible picture ever. I have a double chin and my hair is up because it frizzed completely and my bangs are greesy and my liner is running and... Yeah. Enough said. Let's just put today on the bad day list and forget all about it. That sounds like a plan.
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i hope that came out as a heart!!
god damn it it didnt double ewe tee eff!!!
i need help and a opion can you help me
your user name reminds me of the 1980s, lite brites, and tron.
all of which i love.
<3 electro-matic
