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The circus wagon creek-creeks down the road, Comin' from town to town to dazzle and amaze... ,...the eager-eyed spectators under the big top tent, The ring master call out in his dignified manner, The lions roar, on the bars the freak show hammers, Then out of the sky comes a man who can fly, He swings the trapeze and dazzles the eye, The twins, they're attached, The monkeys they banter, The ponies, they trot, But the show horses? They cantor, Bears stand on their feet, and popcorn's thick with butter, The "most beautiful woman in the world", her eyelashes flutter, There's a center ring now that they all dance around, As the pipe organ pipes and wonder can be found, The leader tips his top hat and extends his hand, To bones made of rubber and then muscle man, As the crowd laughs, between oohs and aahs, The clown comes around and their eyes rarely pause, From that pasty white face to cherry red nose, He's cliqued, has no say in where the banana goes, He tells corny jokes, get rotten tomatoes, He emphasizes each action, an actor at all levels, Bright yellow suit, polka dot bow tie, Blue triangle drawn down both of his eyes- Can clowns ever cry?, He's symbolism for me and the life that I lead, In a frizzy orange wig on squeaky-shoed feet, The clown and the girl aren't that far apart, And in the aspect of common sense, neither is very smart, I hurt and I cry, I stumble and fall, Only to put on a happy face and a joke to convince all, My facade is as bright as the clown's makeup is and well, I wonder if people will ever see me instead of the embellishments I tell, And after that's all said, I'll tell you the truth, The clowns of the world take the fall to be noticed... And now you have proof. (c) Dani 2005
Read 2 comments
hey where did u get ur cursor thing and whats the code so it actually works? cause im stupid and dont kno how haha
Clowns scare me. Not that it's relivent.
But, -slightly confused and out of it, You're my clown? < 3
And, I like the real, un clown-faced you? -should stop now- Yeah, feel better. < 3 -smilesnug-