There's a place off Ocean Avenue...

Feeling: hardcore
I'm at Sarah's! Today we went to the beach and saw the whales and the surfers! *hearts* Last night we watched Thirteen and Rocky Horror. One thing to say : "No bra... No panties!" Jesus, Thirteen-year-olds aren't that whorish... Are they?! Sarah's upstairs changing now and singing the Time Warp while humping things. I got another person addicted! Holla! I really can't wait for Halloween. We're going out to Friday's with Peg, Mooster, and the family tonight. Free appetizer and desert coupons! Hotness! I always get so fat here! Hee hee. I'm really happy though. It's always such a blash. Emma is lying asleep on the floor next to me. She's used to me now and I even get kissies... However, a do have scratches all up my arms and my tummy and back from our first meeting... All the more reason to wear my arm warmers though. I love those things. I realized everything I type here never makes sense to anyone else because me and Sarah get all these insides... Like the lady at the beach in the golden thong. Ok, that's no inside... She really had a gold thong on as a swim suit, damnit! Woah... Philly just rode by on his bicycle and Sarah said if she saw him again she was calling the cops. Poor Phil. Well, I'm off to the wild world of K-mart, Fridays, and Peg power. *muahz*
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peg power lmao