Spinning out of control!

Feeling: spirited
You know that feeling where all someone has to do is say one uplifting thing to you (or a whole conversation) and it keeps you happy throughout the entire day? It's been so long since I felt that for anyone. Thanks for making me feel so loved. I'm sorry I don't have the courage to be bolder, but you're amazing. Yeah... I had a decent day today. I drew pictures for three periods because I can. I love that I have a million free periods a day. Fluffanie -almost- kissed Zach, Sunshine and Rachel are back together. All has restored itself in our little M-E world... Well except for Sean dating Jessica. What the hell is up with that?! He's all "Danielle, you should come trick or treating with me and Allison" and Allison's like "When did I say -I- was going?" Good times and then there's Brandon's platypussy and Fluff and Brendan reading Buffy quotes. The day ended with mi padre taking me to the used CD store. I got Jimmy Eat World, GC, Sum 41, and old school Blink 182... Wow, I just bought the entire begginings of pop-punk for $24 bucks total. I feel so hawt and the Blink 182 CD was titled Cheshire Cat. It was my fucking calling! Then at play rehearsal Rachel and Amy chased me around with a pickle and me and Paco bounded over pictures of furries, web comics, and emoness. So yeah, now I just finished with my shower and I'm off to do homework while waiting for Kat to return from her play rehearsal. School play dorks for life, baby! Wanna make sweet love to me? ch3sh1re c4t is the new IM. *muahs*
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<.3 You're the best. <.3
We can work on your courage -giggle-