I let the stitches do the talking.

Feeling: cute
So I somehow managed to get most of my shit done during the school day today. It was a decent day. Not bad, not great. I didn't get bitched at by anyone and people kept complimenting my shirt and my lovely belt so that puts it a bit higher in my book. I was kinda out of it all day though and Stephanie was sick so maybe that's part of the reason. I keep slipping into these daydreams of her... Not that that's a bad thing, mind you. It makes the day go by much faster. So apparently Mr. L used all my essay questions on The Crucibal quiz so when I take that tomorrow since I missed Friday I should easily ace it. Woohoo for that! The critical lens should be a breeze as well. Damnit, I need to get back into the 90's. Since the Italian course I was going to take next year would be every day and I can't get to BCC every day, I'm just going to take AP French instead. As long as I get a 3 on the exam, I get college credit which will give me all the more time to start fresh and new with Italian or German in college and will also brush me up on the romance languages in general! Hooray! J'ai le francais en ma vie! (Probably conjucated completely incorectly) Yay for having to go through passe compose and the past participle again! Half year courses are weighted so my average was an 88. I'm very pissed. I'm all for adding them up and dividing by eight. It seems much more logical to me to count art higher then you count principles of fucking science and technology. I hate that class. I stretched my canvas with pretty red gingham to put the teacups on. It's the first one I've done by myself and it's not even for an oil painting! Yay! I have to do one for my Magritte emulation tomorrow. The Lovers is such a rad painting. It's a man and a woman kissing with clothe over both their heads. Everyone's like "That makes no sense!" That's why I adore Magritte. I'm totally excited to finish the teacup picture with lace and teabags as well. It'll look like a real tea party. The next watercolor I have to do is a portrait. I'll bet you can guess you I'm doing for that. ;-) I might improvise on the background or something though seeing as I still need to quench my thirst to do something Alice In Wonderland related. So yeah, Greenday concert tomorrow. Hopefully MCR is still playing as well or I'm going to be one unhappy camper. I mean, Greenday is wonderful and all but... Not one of my top favorite bands. MCR is. I'd love to brag about seeing them live. It would like complete me. But yeah, I'm going to have next to no time tomorrow. I'll get home, shower, wait for hair to dry, do HW, dry hair the rest of the way, straighten hair (damn fucking hair), shave, do makeup, get dressed, leave an hour and a half early and then we're good to go go go! So yeah, that's life today. Now I'm awaiting my Kat's return on AIM so I can make sure to get in lots of time talking to her tonight. 'Cause withdrawal isn't anything I enjoy going through... Especially when it's Kat-withdrawal. We talked for quite some time on the phone last night. It was lovely. It's so nice to fall asleep to someone's voice on the other end... Someone with only nice things to say. Nnnn... Yeah. The rest is personal. Alright, I'm done with this shindig. Ciao! -- Dani
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