Rose tint my world.

Feeling: sinful
So ummm... Hi. =) RHPS was last night. I had a blast. It's always fun to see uber rad people. However, it's not so fun when we don't get to see them at Denny's afterwards. Sad thing is that's our fault. Heh. We're bad kids. Aw well. Hopefully next time. Muggy was a poo so we didn't have a ride to Denny's anyway. We waited in the little foyer outside the university for our ride to arrive and met a drunken Asian girl and James. James was rad. He's Stephanie's new best friend... Apparently so is Kelly. Hot darn. There goes my new best friend. Pssh. I knew more of the adlibs this time though and Kyle looked like a sexy concubine. I flashed people with my peacoat because I had enough cleavage to do so. Let's see... The highlights. Dan-in-drag was there which proved to be sufficiently awkward for several parties. Heh. Doesn't mean he isn't hot as hell though. Paco won the toga contest and then stripped down to his little speedo bottom. He had red marks on his ass from his virgin fan club smacking it. The virgin girl in the front row gave us a head ache because she wouldn't stop screaming! Al was a dear. This is the most open and fun he's acted in a long time. It was good to have him back. Haha, he called me and Kelly his girls. I felt like a spiffy friend. =) I felt even spiffier doing two guy's makeup in drag. *high fives all around* So ummm... That was that. Come April there's going to be an AIDS walk and we're all invited to go walk in our RHPS costumes. Rachel and I want to get a collective account started and walk around the neighborhood to raise money as well. It's for a good cause and hopefully the walk will be fun as well. So yeah, then we came home, Kyle is the most blunt person alive... I spent awhile trying to get off his makeup and looking for Kelly's socks. Then Kyle left and we watched chick flicks until we passed out. Hah. So all in all, it was definatly an awesomely awesome weekend. ♥
Read 3 comments
eeeeee u changed everything its soooo cool, good description or rocky, that made me smile, kyle is my love...not really
so ur idea of me opening up more is that, hmmm play will be fun for the rest the time
~your very sexy pud

rose tint MY world.

how are you?