Do ya wanna touch me there?

Houston, we have a problem. Wow, I should have just done it. I mean, I had every opportunity, but I didn't want to come off like an asshole like that Dan guy so I didn't. Come on, I've got more tact then that... And I know better then to put all my eggs in one basket at RHPS. Rocky Horror should simply be a night of fun and being carefree. That's what it ended up being tonight and I was more then happy for that. It's always a lovely new experiance. I got along with Al, Muggy rocks my socks, Paco looked like a cute stripper, Rachel got someone to "taste her rainbow", I bit Steph's ear... And made a lovely new friend that I hope I can ya know, muster up the courage to keep in contact with. It was definatly worth getting out of the house for... Though the whole skate park show thing and Kyle getting crushed could have been left out. Poor Kyle. =( So yeah, here's to extremely awkward moments, friends who are blantantly obvious, friends who steal my skittles and never come back with them =(, my peanut butter pie that never came at Denny's *tear*, and of course, the fun times of "wetting my pants" at Denny's itself. Rock on, kids, rock on!
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