Feeling: amused
1-50 of the 5000 ?s Hehe. This is awesome. Not your every day "who do you like?" "Do you have a boy/girlfriend?" "What's your favorite color?" survey questions. The 5000 Question Survey -- 1. So tell us, who are you? Teresa, "your" Resa, The Opinionated Wicked Liberal. 2. What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you? I will tell you what I think of you. I will tell you what's on my mind, so if you don't want to know, don't ask. I'm pritti. :) 3. When you aren't filling out 5,000 question surveys like this one what are you doing? Filling out 300 question surveys because I'm lame. No I ... swim...sit on my butt and surf the net, go to school, drive, hang out with my friends....yeah. Really. 4. List your classes in school from the ones you like the most to the ones you like the least (or if you are out of school, think of the classes you did like and didn't like at the time). This year: Swimming Welding Photo Math 1050 Driver's Ed English BIS 1400 PE Ancient World History Biology Math 1060 French 5. What is your biggest goal for this year? Move to New Zealand with minor issues. What am I saying? There will always be issues when moving. My goal is to survive.. 6. Where will you be in 5 years? In college. and Not married. 7. What do you want to be when you grow up? An Environmental Toxicologist!!! XD I love saying that. 8. Are you more child-like or childish? I'm childish. I'm pretty sure I'm more childish. sad but true. 9. What is the last thing you said out loud? "Have you found my batteries?" 10. What song comes closest to how you feel about your life right now? Breathe by Telepopmusik, Push the Limits by Enigma, Mad World by Tears for Fears, High Voltage by Linkin Park... There isn't just one. 11. Have you ever taken martial arts classes? No. I always wanted to, though... 12. Does your life tend to get better or worse or does it just stay the same? It varies. Sometimes it gets better and then it gets worse. It always gets better though. And then it gets worse again. That's just the way life is. 13. Does time really heal all wounds? No. I still have a scar on my finger from when I was 9 months old and I dropped a glass bottle on the ground and cut myself on a piece of glass. My parents thought they were the worst parents ever. Bwa ha ha ha. <3 I like that scar. 14. How do you handle a rainy day? Depends on where I am. If I'm home, I sit and look out my window and count the rain drops on my window. If I'm at school, I get restless and want to go outside. If I'm at work I take a break to go run around outside and twirl in circles. <3 I love rain. 15. Which is worse...losing your luggage or having to sort out tangled holiday lights? Ah, losing luggage. Tangled holiday lights are nothing. My luggage is always more important. Besides. I always wrap holiday lights up nice and neat. 16. How is your relationship with your parents? It could be better. It could be worse. Sometimes I really really hate my daddy though. Will you miss them when they are gone? Yes, Most definately. I love my mommy and daddy. 17. Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you? Not really. Sometimes but not really. 18. What is the truest thing that you know? Two things are inevitable: Death and Taxes. 19. What do you want your life to be like, as the future takes clearer shape? I want it to be interesting and passionate. I want to be happy more than I am angry or sad. 20. Have you ever been given a second chance? Too many, probably. I'm always grateful for a second chance. 21. Are you more of a giver or a taker? I'd like to say giver...but probably I'm more a taker. 22. Do you make your decisions with an open heart? I try to. 23. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you? Ugh...my first period. 24. What is the most emotionally painful thing that has ever happened to you? When Levi told me why he broke up with me- I was a temporary distraction from his suicidal and depressive tendancies. I hope he rots in Hell. 25. Who have you hugged today? I think my mom. I'm not sure. If not my mom then no one. 26. Who has done something today to show they care about you? Um...nothing that I can think of. 27. Do you have a lot to learn? Oh, the most! I'm only 16, after all. 28. If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by working what would they be? oh gee..I always feel like wishes are just empty thoughts brainstormed up by lazy people. A That I could sprout wings and learn to fly B That I could have the capability to learn how to heal the most painful of wounds of the people I care about most C And I wish I could learn how to do trigonometry without thinking. That is my selfish lazy wish. 29. Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do or how other people make you feel? What other people say. 30. What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship? open-mindedness communication care intelligence 31. What 3 things do you want to do before you die? A Answer the door naked B Sky dive C Have sex (hehe) 32. What three things would you want to die to avoid doing? A killing someone else B hurting someone I love C math homework 33. Is there a cause you believe in more than any other cause? Saving the environment. Honestly, as stupid as it sounds. 34. What does each decade make you think of: The 19.. 20's: flapper dresses 30's: money (or lack thereof) 40's: Big Band music 50's: poodle skirts 60's: women's and civil rights 70's: Tie Dye 80's: computers 90's: my childhood 2000 (so far): teenagers 35. Which decade do you feel the most special connection to and why? The 90's. I spent my most impressionable years in them. 36. What is your favorite oldie/classic rock song? Anything by the Beatles, really. 37. If you could say any sentence to the president of the USA what would it be? Have you found any of those weapons of mass destruction that you sent your people over to die for? 38. What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night? QBC! Shopping channel!! 39. What Disney villain are you the most like and why? The wicked queen from Snow White!!! because of that whole "who's the fairest of them all" thing...narcisst...that's me. yeah! 40. Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout? girl scout for 9 years, man! 41. If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat? fly 42. Why is the sky blue during the day and black at night? the sun's light refracting into the atmosphere during the day, and the lack of light be there at night. 43. What does your name mean? "Diligent Harvester" 44. Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space? Ocean. Outer space is boring. 45. Word association What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word: Air: cloud Meat: cow Different: tie dye Pink: hearts! Deserve: cake White: chaste Elvis: 50s Cilantro: spice Heart: valentine Clash: music Pulp: fiction 46. If you could meet any person who is dead and famous who would you want it to be? Nicola Tesla 47. What if you could meet anyone alive and famous? hmm. I don't know. many of the famous people alive today really kind of suck. 48. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it everyday? No. I would get sick of it. Then I wouldn't love it so much anymore. 49. You are going to be stuck alone in an elevator for a week. What do you bring to do? a book. Not just one. LOTS of books. and a cell phone. 50. Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved? No.
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