Feeling: sappy
I adopted a cute lil' death fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus! I hate fetuses. They turn into babies. Babies turn into children. Children turn into teens. Teens turn into adults. Adults are bad. People are stupid. I have some weird feeling that these fetuses are supposed to be "pro life" even though a woman's choice is more important. You can always have another baby, through adoption, or sex, or artificial insemination... You can't always have another chance at life. Anti-choice advocates should kiss my butt. I am pro life. I am all for protecting the rights of life for women. Raped women, women whose contraceptives didn't work,women who got drunk, women with overly persuasive significant others... It doesn't matter who. All that matters is that they deserve the right to a choice. And all that matters is they don't have a baby in a public bathroom and flush it down a toilet. All that matters is they continue to go to school to get an education so if later in life they so choose to have children, they can do so without worry of how to provide for it. HMMMMMM.
Read 7 comments
interesting..... oh and TERESA'S HOTT! i win..
resa. i totally agree with everything you said in there. i know exactly what you mean... althought i dont think nicole did. lol. but yeah, sorry that people seem to bother you for their opinions, but dont worry about it. you are an awesome person and nobody could ever convince me otherwise of that.
I completely agree with your pro-life pro-choice view. Go you! Whoop! :)
I am sooooo with you girl....I believe in woman's rights tooo....if that's what you're talking about....if not, I still agree with yo
sorry, i didn't finish that one....but i think you get the idea....

Teresa's HOTT!!!
it's like a tribute to scott. hes all over the place. i love it.

this is scotts bud blake btw. late.
so a womens choice is more important than somebodys life.........ALRIGHT.........................YA U HAD THE DAMN CHOICE TO GET NOCKED UP.........unless its rape then theres other choices.....grrrrr