I Wish I Was Me

Feeling: undesirable
12:34 Friday Afternoon He asked me what I think about lately. I don't want to tell him until I can hear his voice. I don't want to tell him until I can hear his voice... i love you...that's all i can think about. how i love you too much and my heart can't take it. Let's see. how more emo can i get? I feel really strange, like I want to scream and whisper and laugh and cry and jump up and down and sleep all at the same time. I hate it. I really honestly feel like my insides are about to explode.
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hey, youre listening to A Perfect Circle!! :)..that's not emo!! haha, but yeah. its okay to be emo. maybe listening to some emo would help ;P
yes, it sucks feeling like your insides will explode...not comfortable at all. Anyways, I hope you can hear his voice soon so you can tell him what you think!!!
I love you my special friend! we need to hang out again! the girls should all just go to lunch one day or go play in a park or something!!!!