Tuesday, 9:32 p.m.   Nude Vs. Sex I was on a forum I frequent, maybe someday I shall join to get my angry "feminist" opinions through but for now I'll just browse and read what people have to say. There are people out there who call themselves feminists, advocating for women's rights, who clearly know nothing of what they're talking about. Often times, they're doing exactly what they're against - stereotyping women and placing them in roles. It's not about equality at all anymore, it seems, it's a revenge war so that women can be the better treated ones than men. This is not fair. This is not Feminist In My Opinion. This is sexist. Pornography is sexually explicit images. This is Pornography. Paintings of naked people does not pornography make. In this same fashion, neither does nude photography. They were, in the article I was reading, discussing the Playboy Bunny logo. They say it advocates porn, and child pornography because some 10 or 11 year old is wearing it. I have never read through a playboy magazine but after reading this I'm sorely tempted. I'm under the impression that all it is is pictures of women who are naked posing for a camera and getting paid for it. And this is not all (oh yes, there is more). There are articles and fiction stories and this does not constitute as porn. Naked does not equal sexually explicit. Why is the naked form so controversial? Playboy is not porn, it is nudity. It is women who freely chose after being asked to pose nude for the camera. Many of the people behind the camera are female. They are not exploited, they are not forced, they are paid. This is a form of expression, a chance to be free, and so what if an ugly 49-year-old man somewhere bought it and is now masturbating because he is aroused by naked women. Is this not natural? Is this sick and perverted and unnatural? Just because he's looking at these women in the magazine and getting aroused does not mean he will see every woman on the street as an object. And as for children wearing the logo, So What. I, myself, find the playboy bunny icon to be cute. I wouldn't buy clothing or anything with it on, just because I don't particularly like paying to advertise something, but I can still think it's cute. And so can they. And if you want to blame the parents for letting their child advertise a magazine enclosing pictures of nude women who got paid well and enjoyed what they were doing, because this is wrong somehow, then okay. If I had children, I wouldn't buy it for them but again, that's because I'm a strictly thrift-store type person. If they found a shirt that fit in a thrift store and wanted to get it, I'll gladly shell out a few bucks for it. I wouldn't mind my children advocating the coming of women's freedom and leaving the oppression of a conservative housewife image behind. I would even explain this to them. I would tell them what playboy was and ask them if they still wanted it. And, by God, it's cute! It's cute like Bugs Bunny is cute. At least they're not piercing their bellybutton. Anyway. that's my two cents. We're good.
Read 14 comments
yeah, flinstones vitamins are okay and i thought of m&ms but ohh those poor little guys, no one should be allowed to eat them!
yes, i eat grass sometimes, its good like you can make a salad with it, just subsitute it for the lettuce and it just grows freely for people to eat, but people think they are too good for it, i mean you can wash it off and all and people are starving when there is grass all over!
god, i want cheetos now!
im not a feminist at all because of how hypocritical it is and how everyone is so against men, i cant stand it! and as far as playboy, it is the girls choice, i mean no one is forcing her, but it pisses me off though when playboy gets all the "ohh its artistic" and the other less famous magazines get called porn, its all the same when you get down to it, tits and ass, but willing tits and ass!
ha ha, yeah go buy porn, just the trip to the store will be an adventure :-p
"no sir, im not a perv, im only doing research"
im not a feminist for lots of reasons but the hypocricy is one good one and related to what you were saying...
i think no matter whats in the magazine
its okay and not for anyone to judge since the girl is willing to do it and getting paid for it, if there was a magazine of girls that are kidnapped, and forced to pose
for pictures then i would say that is a problem, not some woman who has a choice and decided to lay down and spread her legs for the camera and feels good about it since its "tastefull" playboy, none of it is that tastefull,they just tell themselves that to make them feel superior to the hustler chicks.
its all about choice and that should be the only deciding factor of whats right or wrong wor whatever.
[juliettes opinions]

I'm on that forum too.


ha ha, yeah i think you do have to be 18 at least for the hustler :-/ anyway...
as for your dads, thats just gross, they might be all usedif you know what i mean... ick!
oh my god and if you go to the store and try to buy them, bring along the digital camera and post the pics, i would love to see peoples faces, thats just hilarious!
im anxiously awaiting your reviews...
yeah, that is pretty gross, im guessing from the use of "mum" youre from england?
and guys have nudie magazines no matter how many women they have around and what they all look like!
I'm devotchka.

You'll see some of my posts if you go to the creativity forum and look at some of the older threads.

I like it there, but some of them are a lot too OTT on the feminism shit. When you actually read some of the posts, it's not about equality, which pisses me off. Even the phrase "because women are people too" pisses me off - simply because it doesn't apply to anything I have witnessed, and I think it might be out of date for
most of modern-day America and Britain, including lots of other places, too. I know the thiings that they're talking about are the ones that don't fit into the most, I just think that that phrase is too over the top.

Something like, "Post all your feminist thoughts here," would make me feel a lot better about the whole thing.

Feminism is fine where unequality is concerned, but when it gets to the point where they're saying
that women should be able to do whatever men do and more it pisses me off.

I'm going to become masculinist just to piss them all off - if things get worse.

It's a nice forum, though, I just usually stay away from the uber-feminist bits.

Sorry, I ranted. ARGH.

Forgive me. =P
eww romance novels!!! ugh, i cant stand them, but i agree with the johnny depp thing, oh my god, give me a johnny depp movie over a porn magazine any day!!!
ha ha, ahhh you could pretend to be brittish and just walk around saying mum...funny...
i say mumzy when im mad and i drink tea so mabey one day ill convert to brittish-ish.
Yeah, I agree with you! Chivalry is dead. =(

"johnny depp is walking porn"
thats so funny!!!!
i love that and will be using it in conversation just so you know...
That entry amused me. And I agree with you about the whole Feminist thing.....