Feeling: ethereal
Wednesday, 8:17 p.m.   Like Today Neva Happened I didn't go to school today. I slept in until 8. I feel kind of bad because I did want to go hang out with the swim team kids and Sara. And Sara seemed peeved at me in her journal that I wasn't there and we didn't go shopping...I thought we were supposed to go tomorrow but she went without me today with Natalie and Ryker and Bryce. And I ditched school today for a boy. I'm sad that I didn't go shopping with Sara, but I can't regret the choices I made today because there's nothing I can do to change them. I do, however, miss my Sara, my opposite, my yin. Sometimes I wish she would talk to me...so bad that I never initiate a conversation and before I know it, she's off. I should learn to stop being stupid sometimes. I hate stupid people and that means I have to hate myself. So Let's Work On Not Being Stupid. I woke up today at 8. I showered and got dressed, did my hair all pretty and fed the kitties. And then I went to the orthodontist which took like 5 minutes and it was great and then I went home. I was so bored. I was on the net and no one else was on because they were all at school but Taylor was on and I told him I was bored and wanted to hang out, so I went over and Aaron was there, and I made myself some toast and Connor came over and it was a jolly lot of fun. Then it was 11:20 and I went to LHS to go get Scott. We went to WalMart and got jolly ranchers and Spongebob shaped Mac-and-cheese because shapes are way cooler than elbow noodles. Then we went to his house and cooked the spongebobs! yay! And I made mine soupy because they're gross if there's not a lot of milk. Because, you know, that's a terribly important detail. Soupy mac-and-cheese is the only good mac-and-cheese. Tell all your friends and neighbors. Then we kicked each other's trash at Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was fun. I love that game. Yay for videogames from 1993!! I was such the little tomboy as a child. Hehe. But then it was time to go back to school for his jewelry class. And I got to see the ring he has been making for me. It's so pretty! It's something I'll wear. *brag brag brag* It makes me sad though because of that stupid rule at the school I'm moving to that you can't wear jewelry except a pair of studs in your ears and a watch. Daaah! And I got to see Kajsa! And meet Travis and Isaac. But I got to see Kajsa again! Ee! I came up to her and she looked at me really weird and then she realized who I was. Hehe! It was so funny. "TERESA! What are you doing here? Scott's not here.." "Yes, he is, he's right there *point*" "Oh...I didn't see him." "Well I just brought him." and I am jealous of those cool kids in jewelry. I got reminded of my welding class only jewelry was much better lit and looked tons cleaner and there were more girls. And their campus is so much prettier than our campus. It's not fair. The architecture is prettier, anyway, I didn't like the interior as much. I saw Art and Adam! hehe it was awesome. I had so much fun today. I love Scott so bad. I took a nap today, as well. It was very nice. I like naps.
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