Maybe it's just that I need more sleep

10:14 Mid Wednesday Morning (17 September 2008) I have a lot of wishes. Disney taught me how to dream; maybe just TO dream. I never found the star to wish upon, but even so. These are my wishes regarding my (presumably male) soulmate. They came to me as I was trying to fall asleep on a rare occasion where I'm not asleep before I hit the pillow. I wish for a man who.... - dances in his livingroom - likes to commit acts of chemistry in his kitchen - enjoys cuddling and holding hands - can hold his own in a conversation - is as smart as/ is smarter than me - has a strong sense of morality - likes animals - finds me attractive - has a handsome nose - supports art - is, himself, scientifically inclined - sings, regardless of whether or not he can - appreciates nature - is concerned for the environment - teases, but with mercy - is gentle - likes to play, and plays well - can give good bearhugs - has an abundance of patience - eats ice cream - puts up with my vegetarian ness - puts up with my whining good thing that sometimes wishes come true. :)
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