Listening to: Alanis Morrisette
Friday, 10:28 p.m.   Aching Chords Advertisement. I can no longer remain at this diary. it will be friends only from now on. ----------------- 4:59 p.m. Um... does anyone know how to make the diary friends-only?
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nice pik
How you get a comment picture. The picture has to be a gif. And you have to title it comment_pic.gif I found out by right clicking on other peoples pictures that had them and going to properties it tells you the name of there file and stuff works damn well.
p.s. I miss you one more time than you miss me no matter what you say. Hahahahhaha I win because every thing you say now I will be one more time than that. I love me.
sumboady shoed git huked on fonix
just go to prefrences and it says something like "diary mode settings" and there is a little thingie below it that will let you choose if it is a public diary, private, or friends only!

Anyways I miss you!
What is your header picture of??..Did you take it?
you go to preferences and it says "diary mode settings" or something to that effect and you click the arrow and it says public, private or friends only....
i miss you my Teresa...i was at a movie with Trisha last night she told me how in PE class once right before you were suppose to run the mile you said "what if our Vagina is bleeding" i was like that is so teresa
Write More!..lol Teresa's hott!