Listening to: Gorrilaz
Feeling: erotic
Tuesday, 7:26 p.m.   Erotic What a spiffy word. And oh-so-sexy. And it itself is erotic. Just saying it turns me on. okay not really, but still. It's like Johnny Depp shirtless. ooh... Im not an emo girl today because I got to hang out with Katherine and Craig and Scott. And we ran down the street and Katherine and I checked out the icecream truck driver but he wasn't cute and none of the icecream looked good so we didn't buy any. my feet hurt now, though, I ran barefoot. I'm not used to running around barefoot, and there was glass on the sidewalk. me and my soft prissy feet. That's okay, I like soft prissy feet. I like feet a lot. I'm like opposite nicole. I love feet. You know what they say about a man with big feet.... Big shoes. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I crack myself up. So yeah, I'm happy now. Mood swings...I must seriously be pms-ing. Dang. And if there's anything I dislike in girls more than the shallow type who base all their relationships (friendships, boyfriends, etc.) on looks and money, I have yet to find out what it is. Flashback to Craig's birthday party. Yeah those girls and I didn't get along. Tim was hott though. I didn't talk to him because I was too busy having fun with my less attractive friends. Apparently. Beeeyootch girls. Hate them. With passion. This is such a rambling entry. I'm blaming PMS again. It's about that time. I bet tomorrow I wake up and find my body's left me a surprise. oh thanks in advance. Thinks it can throw me a surprise party but it CAN'T. You just wait. I'll be prepared. speaking of which, I should probably restock my purse. If only because it's funny to watch boys go through it and find something they didn't expect. If only because I'm evil in that way. I have foot lotion in my purse. mmmm. foot massage on the go. So anyway at Scott's house we saw The Terminal with Tom Hanks. It's a shame. I really wanted to watch that one, too. Of what I saw it was good. It was really long though. Hmm, I think this is enough mindless rambling.
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