Listening to: Vertical Horizon
Feeling: better
Sunday, 9:50 p.m.   The only thing I don't like about Love I know I can love more than one person in different kinds of love. Just like I can hate more than one person in varying degrees of hatred. The only problem is both of the feelings die hard. And it takes forever. I don't fall out of love easily. I fall in fast... But it takes forever for me to get out. In ways that's good, But in other ways it's terribly frustrating. ------------   edit I do know, however, that I -can- fall out of...well, like at least. falling out of like. heh. I know I did when Levi was so icky. And I know I had started the process a while beforehand. So everything was easier. But when things end abruptly and when they were going so well and suddenly they just don't work the same anymore; When suddenly the good becomes bad and things just have to end; It's hard. Don't look at me like I don't know it. I do, just maybe not on the same level as you or you or you...It's different for everyone, I guess. I'm just lucky that things are working so insanely well right now for me. Maybe it's love and maybe it's lust and maybe it's just plain and simple attraction. All I know is it's hard to lose those butterflies. It's hard and painful to lose That Swing Feeling. But like in that emo sounding song that I listened to the other day, "I miss you less with each day your gone!" end edit ------------------ Have you ever thought about what it would be like if there were two people who fell in love with you? Say you were only in love with the one? And what about the other person, would you feel bad for them or secretly happy that you're desirable like that? Would you be both? Would it kind of be sucky? Would it be kind of wonderful? ---------------------   'nother edit 'cos I don't feel like making a new entry la la la la la. bla bla bla bla bla. mwa ha ha ha ha. okay. sorry about that. It's early morning and my teeth hurt from the retainer that I wore last night, I hate it and it is a nuisance, but otherwise my teeth will move to New Orleans and flash people on Mardi Gras and get rip roaring drunk and no one wants me teeth to do that. So for now I'll keep them in this retainer at night to pain them so they know not to move. Although in most cases, I prefer love and kindness to brutal torture to bind things to me, this is what my orthodontist gave me. And everyone knows Orthodontists are always right. And at least I don't have to wear it all day anymore, oh that would just be icky. I'm trying to see how long my bleeding lasts. started Saturday when I got home. Saturday, Sunday, Monday. I wish it would stop but why on earth would my body do anything i ask. The really sucky part is that I never plan to have children. So I hate my father today because last night he was telling me "yes you don't want babies because they stay up all night and cry and have to be fed and played with and blah blah blah." I told him it was no problem I wasn't having children. And he told me I was going to have children and he thought the same thing when he was my age. I hate him. For to have children you should get married (should, I said. Not have to. But my morals don't like that whole babymaking before marriage thing). Remember I'm not getting married. As far as I know. Do I know? I'm so confused... well it is Monday morning, after all. There should be a song called that. Is there? I would want to hear it, even if it sucked. Just so I could hear "Monday Morning" or ... Remember. I'm incoherent when tired. Ohhhh I don't want to go to school. And I can't stop thinking about this certain person who took all my affections and lavished them upon himself. If I didn't love him I'd hate him. But I guess I like loving him and I don't mind him taking all my affections and he does have very pretty blue eyes... Oh, taylor's gonna come soon..
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Fallinh hard is better. I rarely every fall. It's terrible.
Thank you! I'm glad I'm finally 16!! yay! read my entry about what suisse did..it's cute!