Listening to: Bjork ! oh t3h t3chn0
Feeling: giggly
Sunday, 12:56 p.m.   Rawr I was going to go to church today, but I woke up "late" and decided I wanted to sleep more... I am a bad person. But on my defense, the church schedule is messed up now because of the Summer Visitors and I wasn't sure when the early service started. dang. So I also missed the Foundations of Faith thing and I wanted to go to this one because I read the lessons and was interested to hear everyone else talk about it. The movies are boring and I don't learn anything from them, but the questions, and our group discussions are quite cool. But Scott just went to church, bleh. Now who will talk to me?! Get online, someone. I command you! .... so guess what. semicolon plus 9 looks like a winking face licking its lips. oooh ambiguous, ;9. hehehehe. I was very very weird last night. I'm such a perv if you get me in the right mood. Hmm. I love the word "ambiguous." It's a sexy word. mmmm. So this entry is shallow and lacks much thought, but tough, okay? I could go outside and take pictures of bumblebees. That would be cool.since I'm bored and stuff. Dahh. --------------- 2:57 p.m. I made a new top_left icon! yay for me! --------------- 3:57 p.m. I am so cool. exactly one hour. Or maybe that just makes me really lame. I took macro pictures of bumblebees on 400 ISO speed film at 1/2000th of a second with an f-stop of 2.4 because I love short focal lengths. I hope they turn out well. They looked cool in my view finder, anyway. One day I'd like to own a house with a completely underground basement with no windows. I would transform it into a very large darkroom. With both color and black and white printing capabilities. I'd probably print B&W more often though because B&W is easier and in my opinion, prettier. But anyway. I am a sad bored little girl
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