Listening to: Alexis on fire
Monday, 9:21 p.m.   Surreal My daddy asked me to go to Walmart to get a few items for a dessert he wanted to make. As I was pulling into the parkinglot, I saw Scott's sister driving out. She saw me first, actually; I saw her because she was waving at me. It took me a second to figure out who she was, but when I did, I couldn't stop smiling. Because a)Someone recognized me, b) Scott's sister is cool, and c) she made me think of Scott. I miss him though. Badly.I haven't cried since Wednesday but I feel my eyes tearing up now. On the bright side, Daddy is letting me go to the going away party Mandy planned for me but I am not supposed to know about so I am not supposed to know Daddy is letting me go actually. I wish I knew mandy's address so I could tell people where to go. Whee! I got to see Mandy and Kajsa and I am now talking to my beloved cousin Courtney. We have a lot of catching up to do. My cousin and I. and also, Hi dan [insert plug to dan's diary here!]! Ninja-pirate hybrid sexy man who in my brain looks like a mix between Johnny Depp & Jake Gyllenhaal. :D We will rock carousel city. I am trying to be positive.
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