Listening to: GAAHHHHHH...
Feeling: guilty
Monday, 10:42 p.m.   Is It Wrong? Aaron made me laugh today. You're the man, Aaron. I wish I could take your advice but I can't bring myself to be like that. but <3s anyway. Anyway. I go to sleep every night with the loneliest feeling in the world because the one person whom I would let sleep in my bed besides me isn't there. And all I want to do is be with him, all I want is to fall asleep next to him so the first thing I see when I wake up would be him. His back or his face or whatever. And I don't mean this at all in a sexual way...I just think it would be about the nicest thing in the world to wake up every day next to the most familiar person in the world. Is it wrong of me? There are so many questions I want to ask so many people but I have to keep them bottled up inside me until I'm comfortable enough or far enough away that maybe I could uncork them. so many questions. --------- I cant sleep. I'm so cold I have carnival on repeat in my brain I shiver in the fetal position...i just want to sleep dangit... ---------- so... cold... Why can't I effing sleep. my back hurts from this curled up position. I feel like a dr. suess character for some reason. Oh I wish I wasn't so lonely all the time. and it's not even like I'm alone. Why am I always so lonely? fricking freezing...
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Teresa's hott!! I want that too, but I haven't found anybody like that to think that way....it sucks....I love you, Resa, you're my other fourth....nicole, chelsea take up the other ones....
ohhh geez.. im freezing right now.. i wish you the best of luck with whoever this so very familiar person might be