And there it is

Life is sure funny... this is so gonna be a ramble on, but whatever. Its like half past midnight and I'm writing - or was writing - an essay that is now five days late, therefore 25 marks deducted... one might say life is a bitch, that shit happens - well your right, but it is for sure nothing to get worked up about. I still can't believe how quick uni is going by, but after screwing myself over (so far anyways) with this latest essay I must be sure not to make the same mistake again. Why it sucks though is because I'm so far doing pretty well in this course and I don't want this essay to mess the whole thing up - perception is key to success, but utilisation of tools is the closing factor - get it... didn't think so, but its perception so it doesn't matter. I was watching G Bush's speech on the news and for a few moments thought to myself - who is this guy and why on earth is he president! But anyways.... I'm suppose to go in tomorrow, mainly to hand in this essay, but of course, it is not yet finished so I'll take the day off to finish it and then hand it in friday! Must be off to bed now... my body is really starting to ache and lock into position from the fact that I've been sitting all day in this chair - - OWWWWW. Later then
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I meant, what you said in the comment you left me was really neat to me. Very kind. BUT, your thoughts are brilliant. I am glad there are people like you out there. And, thanks for being nice!