You've got the mind, but not the guts

Is it wrong to tell a woman (a classmate from university) whom I don't really know, that she is beautiful? I often like to believe that you just do in life what you have to do, after all, you only get that one life; then modern standards make me believe that it's not perhaps the most natural thing to do.. then again, what is modern standards.. a rather distorted way of life, which is not something I conform to.
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There is nothing wrong with saying such things. In fact giving women complicments can lift spirits and make them soar. And in this, they become even more beautiful. Even if with certain girls it seems impossible... =)
You are in my thoughts also, hope life is keeping you well. Smile always. Have a good time til we talk again. -bx
nothing wrong with that at all. when people randomly compliment me it usually makes my day :)
[: Just tell her. I think she'll find it sweet!
Always compliment people. Gets you far in life, being a kissass.
I definitely don't think it's wrong to tell someone they're matter how long you know them or's a compliment all the same... =]
Would you rather face a moment of weakness or wonder for the rest of your life what could have possibly happened if you told her?