A few last words

Two days till that day and we never thought it would’ve come so suddenly upon her – upon us. It was not so easy to speak to her, as for her to speak would've only tired her more quickly. Two days till that day and on the second to last day she was sitting in her maroon leather armchair. Her feet raised on a cushion, her arms crossed and her hands held by one another; her head held upright by the several pillows behind her neck which were supporting her for comfort. I knelt before her… “Do you love me”? I asked. Her weak narrowed eyes looked at me and with a faint whisper she nodded and said, “Yes”. “I love you too” I let her know back, before resting my head in her lap. I did this again on her last day. She had answered again but this time with only a slow nod – her condition now too weak for her to even manage a whisper...
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i'm not one for excuses but he told me last night that he will be home shortly and he does want to stay together. he just wants me to know that he wants to fix his life if he's gonna be spending the night more.
that's good. oh lord, i wanted to explode with my feelings on frustration on my new/old love but reading this made me feel selfish.