Because breathing is underrated

She wasted her smile on me.. I was walking along the main aisle to reach the checkouts where I was going to purchase a 2 for £2 on 'Mr Kipling' cakes and also a 500g pack of 'Mcvities Digestives'. Walking in my usual unintended demeanor to which any other person would think I'm giving them an evil, 'or real pissed off what the hell you looking at' kind of facial expression, I happen to capture the attention of a rather beautiful young girl to which she glances at me once,but then quickly follows up with another gaze and a smile. Slow to react however as my point of view and expression was nothing at all intent on capturing this young girl's smile, that when she did smile at me I glanced right by her leaving the smile to which she so kindly shared with me feeling unappreciated and wasted.
Read 2 comments
I love the way you write! I don't really know what to say about your situation but you should definitely write more often!!
I'm with the previous commentor. OH... and smile!