Unspoken, unwritten

No matter who we are and what we do, we all have the ability to be a hero. We can be to a stranger, a friend, a family member, a community and should we work so hard to deserve it, one day the World. I realise however that as often fits the bill of a hero, we all have those feelings, those deep and heart-felt purposes of our life which we wish we could say to those who we care about most, but for reasons of grandeur, we don't.

The truth though is that we either do find the strength to admit all and find ourselves stronger for it, or as is even harder to do, is understand that instead of succumbing to feeling burdened, to realise that we are the person who CAN embrace the struggle and become the light to our own darkness. This is what makes us the hero in the first place.

It never was meant to be easy being you and that's why only you can be what you deserve to be.

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