Smack that, lol

I'm the kind of guy who realises a woman for her real beauty, the beauty that comes from the inside. I'm the kind of guy who appreciates mind over body and who falls in love with who she is and not what she is. I'm the kind of guy who would gently play with her hair and move it slowly to the side so to give her a kiss behind her ear or on the back of her neck... and would also love when she plays with mine and playfully scruffs it up. I'm the kind of guy who will look her in the eyes and tell her she is beautiful first thing when she wakes up in the morning and is supposedly at her worst. I'm the kind of guy who will also tell her she's beautiful at the moment when we go to bed after she has had a really long day. I'm the kind of guy who indulges in cake, ice cream and chocolate... not because I've been given a piece, but because I want it... I fancy it and I understand that sharing what is actually a form of sensual food together can be just as beautiful a moment as holding hands under the moon.. (lol :-) I'm the kind of guy who when picking out flowers gives it all the thought in the World so to pick out flowers which is as beautiful as the lady herself so that when she holds them and looks at the them, she has something as beautiful, as lovely a scent and as wonderful a meaning as I get when I look at her! I'm the kind of guy who will always remember... and who will always try to remember the little things which make and keep her happy as she would do for me. And if I forget... I'm the kind of guy who will say sorry and make it up to her, not because I should have to, but because I want to. I'm the kind of guy who if managed to get himself into an argument with her.. would notice how beautiful she is when she's angry... and would then tell her how beautiful she is and apologise for being in the wrong. We would smile, kiss and get back to being happy. I'm the kind of guy who after seeing my lady have a tiring day... would tell her to put her feet up... or run her a warm / hot bubble bath while I cook dinner and do the housework no matter how tired I might happen to be... or even if I didn't actually want to... but I'd still do it, because I know she'd do it for me! I'm the kind of guy who will listen and try to be as understanding as possible as this is all she really asks for when in time of need and even when not as doing so shows you care and needless to say to my would be darling; I care. I'm the kind of guy who knows that words alone are not enough to tell her how much she means to me, how much I love her... I'll be the guy who will do actions as should come naturally so to show to her just how much I love her and how beautiful she is to me.... for no matter what any person were to tell me... being with her is the luckiest a guy could ever be for she is everything and nothing else in life comes remotely close to her. I'm the guy who knows that the only way I could really tell her I love her... is being there for her when asked and when not asked... right to the second I die.
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I don't really know what to say...Other than; you're girl would be one lucky person!!
This is incredibly sweet Jose.
but what if you could do it after your dead?