Responsibility is having heart

I along with a number of friends had just finished our first exam of the 'exam season'. Relief sighed its way through the exit of the university hall as we left individually and others, side by side. Expressions made it clear to see we had all just taken a step closer to finally finishing University after three enduring years. Heart felt emotions were building in anticipation of this eagerly awaited reality. Perhaps we were too eager. After discussing where to go next, myself and the few friends I was with departed to a table in the University canteen, fitting more to our table than seemed wise, but we managed and in doing so it brought a warm sense of unison. As we sat eating lunch, talking of how we felt our exams went, a woman who had sat next to me instead talked to me endearingly about her passion for music. Soon however, her passion of which she seemed realistic, turned into a somber, what if? So often when we have a passion we're pursuing, life will look us deep in the heart and say, "no", and we listen. We let our imagination get taken away from us. The conversation I had with this woman inspired me to write the following to her as so taken back was I by what she said, I couldn't help but further observe and think of just how ready she might be to give up what she so passionately wants. "I want you to remember one thing though; We were never destined to lead a mediocre life. What we do from here will be for the rest of our life and so if you want music, then I tell you, it's already yours. You don't have to be a professional to be the best; professional is a qualification, a tag, a sheet of paper saying you're priviledged to make a difference; no. You already are a musician, a singer, a composer, because the qualification and the priviledge to make a difference, it's already inside of you; we call it having heart. It's what separates each and every one of us". For some of us in life, the dreams we want were often the dreams we always had but chose not to give time to; perhaps we felt we had to give them up. Dreams are elusive and so they escape us when we let go. The beauty is in what we give so to hang onto them. Whether we live up to it or not, we all have a responsibility also, a responsibility which we might tend to believe prevents us from wanting what we actually have; but to remind you, we already have the dream we want. Our responsibility is in how we hold on to the dreams we want so to make the difference that can be made. Without our dreams, we lose our heart and our true purpose for living. The responsibility in holding on to your dream is having heart.
Read 2 comments
thank you, kind soul, for your words :)
I really like how you fed off of that conversation with the girl. It sounds like you got some good insight from that conversation and I will take it with me, as well!

I don't really know what to say to this other than: BELIEVE, BELIEVE, BELIEVE! :D