Here lies a heart... is it yours?

Do you know your heart? Do you trust it, believe in it, love it and do good things for it to keep it feeling refreshed and nurtured so that with every waking day your heart can grow to its fullest potential? Sometimes it's not that easy to give your heart the love it needs, often because we have no one to give us the love that we ourselves need. Like a flower the heart will only eventually die if deprived of water and light. "Love is not a want, but a need. Not a choice, but a necessity". Love your own heart and do good things for it knowing that you deserve to treasure and love yourself. Believe that your heart will be loved and will be treasured because in life, your heart is all that's worth finding. Like treasure kept hidden safely until the right hands come along; Keep your heart safely hidden and valued until the right hands find your heart and you will for all of your life be loved... and treasured.
Read 8 comments
'Tis beautiful (: && Loving the colour scheme change...
Are you a hippie?
You know, you shouldn't do that - let other people label you. But at least there are worse things to be than a hippie. But I'm glad it made you laugh. Can't say I didn't laugh a little myself after sending it.
That was quite awesome... it took me a minute to get to all sink in... but the point is... well, I don't know what my point is. Which I guess makes this re-commment pointless. I don't know.
You know, I have never met/talked to/whatever anyone like you before. We are a very cynical people around where I live. Please teach me to be, I think the word is, optimistic like you.
Okay, all that being said, I have a very firm belief that I am now confused. All those things you mentioned- hope, trust, etc- I've never had that. As for what I want to do in life, I've been questioning that since before I can remember. I wanted to be a wife and mother, but that dream I guess you could call it ended when he died. I was 17, he was 20.
And I don't mind that it was long. The more you add to it, the more interesting it became.
This makes me think back to our aim conversation
Dear Lord... I feel lie I'm back in philosophy class from two semesters ago. What did you just say?